Hotell Brudhäll logo

Hotel, restaurant and marina at Kökar

A local archipelago company
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Contact us

Phone number

+358 185 5955


Karlby, 22730 Kökar 
Send us a message

About Brudhäll

How it all began

Brudhäll started out as a small summer restaurant in the hands of sisters Brita Dahlgren and Mona Karlsson.

Achitect Folke Wickström was brought in on the project, and 1 July 1991 the opening of Brudhäll Hotel & Restaurant took place.

Greatly inspired by the small red boat houses throughout the archipelago and sited at the inlet of Karlby bay, Brudhäll is now an archipelago gem.
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About us

Today, Brudhäll is run by Natalie Björk and Valters Rozentals. Natalie comes from Ostrobothnia but now resides year round on Kökar, Valters shares his time between Kökar and Riga.

Together with our driven team, we create a place to long for 
- the archipelago, the food and the ambiance.

With us you can experience the beautiful archipelago of Kökar - year round.

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Our values

Focus on the customer
Genuine food and taste experiences
An vivid archipelago
Small-scale but international
Rural & educated
A sustainable way of life

Share your summers working with us

Do you want to be part of our team?

We are now recruiting for the summer of 2025!
We are looking for:

- Waiters
- Chefs
- Bartenders
- Harbour host
- Receptionists
- Housekeeping
- Runners

Apply today and be a part of our fun gang!

Send your CV and application to [email protected]
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